
dry sprinkling Learn more about dry sprinkling

  • The rotten root of the flower will die. Sprinkle it in the pot and you can live for 20 years!

    The rotten root of the flower will die. Sprinkle it in the pot and you can live for 20 years!

    If the flowers are only yellow leaves and wilt, they may still be saved. But if the root is rotten, it's basically hopeless. So it is best to keep the drainage in the basin in good condition, while the basin can be changed recently, sprinkle some small things in the basin, so that the root will not rot for 20 years!

  • If jasmine sprinkles this powder for 40 ℃, it can be opened several times.

    If jasmine sprinkles this powder for 40 ℃, it can be opened several times.

    The temperature is really rising recently, and many flower lovers reflect that there are no longer flowers in their families. Huahua feels that, like green pineapple, rich tree, jasmine and so on, summer is the most prosperous time, why not grow one? You must have forgotten.

  • Magic | Green Orange Jasmine... Sprinkle 2 handfuls of powder for 40 ℃ and you can open it for a few times.

    Magic | Green Orange Jasmine... Sprinkle 2 handfuls of powder for 40 ℃ and you can open it for a few times.

    The temperature is really rising recently, and many flower lovers reflect that there are no longer flowers in their families. Huahua feels that, like green pineapple, rich tree, jasmine and so on, summer is the most prosperous time, why not grow one? You must have forgotten.

  • Prevention and control methods of fish disease

    Prevention and control methods of fish disease

    Prevention and control methods of fish disease

  • How to cultivate Ficus arborescens and its Culture methods and points for attention

    How to cultivate Ficus arborescens and its Culture methods and points for attention

    Our common gold-sprinkling banyan is called variable-leaf wood, which is a kind of shrub plant from the tropics, which was later introduced into our country, and is also liked by many flower friends. The branches and leaves of the golden banyan grow very distinctive and grow obliquely upward, so the whole tree is given gold.

    2020-11-08 Sprinkle gold banyan how raise breed method and notice we
  • Restoration and management of dead bed in culture and fermentation bed

    Restoration and management of dead bed in culture and fermentation bed

    Fermentation bed culture sometimes we will encounter due to the fermentation bed moisture is too large, the cushion is too tight and too fine, coupled with the continuous accumulation of feces for a period of time and did not rake in time.

  • Jujube and bean curd

    Jujube and bean curd

    (1) 250g red jujube, 4 pieces of tofu, 2 eggs white, a little sugar, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, vinegar, dry starch, appropriate amount of wet starch, 750 grams of cooked lard. (2) rinse red dates by ①, soak them in boiling water for about 1 hour, remove jujube kernels and sprinkle a layer of dry starch on jujube meat; ② mashed bean curd, add egg white, refined salt and monosodium glutamate, and grasp evenly with hands to form stuffing; ③ in red dates sprinkled with dry starch

  • Is sprinkling golden banyan poisonous? what if the leaves fall off?

    Is sprinkling golden banyan poisonous? what if the leaves fall off?

    The larger ornamental plant, the golden banyan, has a very warm name, just like the sun shining down, so the plant itself is colorful. Today we are going to appreciate Sajin Rong, which has the name of sunshine. Is sprinkling golden banyan poisonous? sprinkling golden banyan poisonous, sprinkling golden banyan, Euphorbiaceae shrub plant, its branches are small

  • What do you mean by how many abalone?

    What do you mean by how many abalone?

    What do you mean by how many abalone?

  • High-yield cultivation and Management techniques of Agaricus bisporus

    High-yield cultivation and Management techniques of Agaricus bisporus

    First, the cultivation season Weibei dry belt area, the temperature difference is big, the air humidity is small, the seasonal change is fast, can sow in advance, the time is arranged from mid-August to early September. The Guanzhong Plain is arranged from the end of August to the middle of September. Of course, mushroom farmers with caves and fruit cellars can accumulate and ferment after the wheat straw is harvested, sow at the end of July and harvest in late August. After the corn stalk is harvested, after the corn stalk is dry, the second round of sowing can be carried out, using truncated corn stalk + cow dung, sowing from December to January, overwintering, spring March.

  • Sprinkle some strong healthy powder on the succulent plant. The leaves are no longer soft and wilted.

    Sprinkle some strong healthy powder on the succulent plant. The leaves are no longer soft and wilted.

    Many flower friends like to raise some succulent plants, because succulent plants are easy to raise, so there is no need to take care of them, but in this weather, some succulent plants have begun to become soft and wilting, and the leaves are getting thinner and thinner.

  • How to control common diseases and insect pests in Shajin banyan

    How to control common diseases and insect pests in Shajin banyan

    Sajin banyan is a small tree plant, a common foliage plant in parks or courtyards in the subtropics. You may have seen this plant in the park, but you just don't know its name. How to raise Sajin banyan is a small tree plant.

  • Sprinkle a handful of crab claw orchid, triangular plum and longevity flower in the flowerpot.

    Sprinkle a handful of crab claw orchid, triangular plum and longevity flower in the flowerpot.

    Spend the midsummer, many flowers and plants begin to grow again after autumn, longevity flower, crab claw orchid, triangle plum. Become a flowering machine, sprinkle a "it" in the basin, the pregnant buds continue, the flowers burst into the pot, it is very beautiful! When it comes to autumn, there will be a bud.

  • How to interplant Coprinus comatus in chili field

    How to interplant Coprinus comatus in chili field

    Interplanting Coprinus comatus in pepper field is a good method to imitate wild cultivation of Coprinus comatus, which can save the cost of building mushroom house, does not occupy space, and can greatly improve the economic benefit per unit land area. Generally, after the pepper is planted, trenches are opened, materials are laid and bacteria are spread in the middle of the pepper row. For managing and harvesting mushrooms.

  • Sprinkle two handfuls of powder on the rose and blossom in one pot and hundreds of flowers.

    Sprinkle two handfuls of powder on the rose and blossom in one pot and hundreds of flowers.

    Rose flowers bloom coquettish and gorgeous, and are loved by flower friends. The flowering period of rose is from March to November. If you raise it well, you can blossom every month. However, some netizens complained: their own family has not blossomed, it is not easy to blossom, but also very small. Today is small.

  • In summer, these three kinds of rand are easy to attract mosquitoes and ants to sprinkle them in the soil.

    In summer, these three kinds of rand are easy to attract mosquitoes and ants to sprinkle them in the soil.

    With the coming of summer, many plants are particularly easy to attract mosquitoes and ants, especially orchids, hanging orchids and magnolia orchids, which can often be found in the plant head in the basin soil and constantly invade the branches.

  • Culture method of sprinkling Ficus

    Culture method of sprinkling Ficus

    Because Ficus arborescens is a tropical plant, which is different from most temperate plants in China, some methods are needed to cultivate it. Then let the editor add some explanation. First of all, the choice of growing soil is required for the growth of banyan. The soil required for growth is fertile and has good moisture retention capacity.

  • Main diseases of soft-shelled turtle and their prevention and treatment

    Main diseases of soft-shelled turtle and their prevention and treatment

    With the continuous development of turtle culture industry, the continuous increase of artificial culture density and the promotion of constant temperature intensive culture, the factors causing soft-shelled turtle disease are increasing day by day, which brings a lot of difficulties and economic losses to professional farmers. The etiology and prevention techniques of several common diseases of soft-shelled turtle are introduced below. First, the hemorrhagic disease is caused by the virus and Aeromonas punctata. It can be seen that there are bleeding spots or bleeding spots in the abdominal nail of the diseased soft-shelled turtle, and erosive growth in the dorsal nail, which can cause death in severe cases. Prevention and treatment: use furazolidone at 1.5 g / cu m

  • To grow potted leeks and cut leeks, you should be familiar with each high cut and then sprinkle it for a long stubble.

    To grow potted leeks and cut leeks, you should be familiar with each high cut and then sprinkle it for a long stubble.

    Many flower friends at home will raise some flowers potted plants, will also raise some vegetables potted plants, and leek is also very many people like, delicious, but also has the effect of appetite, good for human health, but also very easy to raise, cut wrists.

  • Chemical control of long spot disease of Flammulina velutipes

    Chemical control of long spot disease of Flammulina velutipes

    The disease is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and is mainly infected with Flammulina velutipes lid, which is needle-shaped at the beginning, and then expands to the size of sesame grains. Although the edges are irregular, the disease spots can be combined with each other to form irregular rust spots. Control methods: in order to prevent the occurrence of rust spot, do not sprinkle directly to the fruiting body when sprinkling water on the mushroom room.
